OPM Review Panel Meeting, May 6, 2013

The following District presented on the procurement and selection of their Owner’s Project Manager (“OPM”) at the May 6, 2013 Massachusetts School Building Authority (the “MSBA”) OPM Review Panel (the “Panel”) Meeting:

District:  Town of Plymouth
Project:  Plymouth South High School

District’s Selected Owner’s Project Manager:  Ted Gentry Associates, Inc.

The District presented their overall selection process and how they concluded on selecting Ted Gentry Associates, Inc. as their OPM for the proposed Plymouth South High School project.  The Panel and MSBA staff asked the District about their selection process, their interview process, certain questions regarding their enrollment relative to the current population, and the proposed scope of work for their proposed project.  The Panel and MSBA staff inquired about the OPM’s past experience with the District, the firm’s staffing plan for the proposed project, and their understanding of the MSBA process, in particular the requirements associated with Modules Three and Four.