Getting Started: Information for Citizens, the Taxpayers of Massachusetts

Information for CitizensWhat is the MSBA?

The MSBA is the Massachusetts School Building Authority. We are a quasi-independent government authority created in 2004 to replace the former school building assistance program administered by the Department of Education (now the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education). We work with local communities to create affordable, sustainable, and energy efficient schools across Massachusetts.

We are overseen by a seven-member Board of Directors, chaired by State Treasurer Deborah Goldberg. The Board meets six times a year to approve projects through a diligent voting process ensuring that our limited funds are distributed in a responsible and fair manner.

Our staff is led by our Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director Mary Pichetti. MSBA employees are focused on achieving the MSBA's mission of partnering with communities to support the design and construction of educationally-appropriate, flexible, sustainable, and cost-effective public school facilities.

You can learn more about us, what we do, and some of our proud achievements in our About Us section.

How is the MSBA using taxpayer money?

We have a dedicated revenue stream of one penny of the state’s 6.25-percent sales tax. In our eleven-year history, we have made more than $17.7 billion in reimbursements to school districts. You can learn more about our audit and savings programs by clicking here.

In addition, you can view our financial statements and see our projected payments for this fiscal year.

Where can I find more information about the MSBA’s process?

The MSBA process is broken down into modules in our Building With Us section. The Building With Us page includes a flow chart showing the overview of the process. You can also print out these Process Overview Charts (PDF) for reference and contact us with your questions.

How would my district start working with the MSBA?

Your district would need to submit a Statement of Interest ("SOI") during our open submittal period.

Submitting an SOI is not an invitation into the MSBA's capital pipeline; it is the first step in the MSBA's program. Moving forward in the MSBA's process requires further collaboration and a partnership between the district and the MSBA.

How can I learn more about the MSBA's participation in school projects in my District?

There are many ways the MSBA distributes information on a project; some information you may be looking for:

  • A general overview of the district's public schools and projects in which the MSBA is participating can be found using our Your School map tool. Just select your district and select "View Projects..." at the top.

  • Information on upcoming site visits and events are posted on our Calendar

  • When a project has been presented at our Board of Directors' meeting, you can find the information on our Board Meetings page following the meeting.  

  • You can also follow us on Twitter or "like us" on Facebook to get daily updates on site visits, meetings, and other announcements.

  • Don't forget to use our Search Engine as well, located at the top right corner on every page. 

    MSBA Search Engine

How do I request a public record from the MSBA?

Please visit Public Records Requests.

Still have questions? Please visit our Helpful Information & Links page or Contact Us.