The following District presented an update regarding its proposed project at the April 20, 2016 Massachusetts School Building Authority (“MSBA”) Facilities Assessment Subcommittee (the “FAS”) Meeting:
Town of Amherst
Wildwood Elementary School
Current Phase: Feasibility Study
Owner’s Project Manager: NV5, Inc.
Designer: JCJ Architecture, Inc.
The District, the Owner’s Project Manager, and design team presented an overview of the options studied during the Feasibility Study and the District’s preferred solution to consolidate the existing Wildwood Elementary School and Fort River Elementary School into two new “co-located” elementary schools, as one building serving grades 2-6 on the existing Wildwood Elementary School site. The FAS, MSBA staff, and the District discussed: 1) updates to the floor and site plans since the February 24, 2016 FAS meeting; 2) community outreach efforts; 3) shelter and handicapped access at the front entrance; 4) the scheduling and integration of STEAM programs and project based learning; 5) the importance of having at least one sink in each classroom; 6) the importance of safety in and educational use of the proposed maker space; 7) technology plans; and 8) the benefits of providing voice amplification in classrooms.
MSBA staff is currently working with the District to reach a mutually agreeable solution to recommend to the MSBA’s Board of Directors.