The following district presented an update on their proposed project at the June 2, 2021 Massachusetts School Building Authority (the “MSBA”) Facilities Assessment Subcommittee (the “FAS”) Meeting:
Town of Swampscott
Hadley Elementary School
Current Phase: Schematic Design
Owner’s Project Manager: Hill International, Inc.
Designer: LaVallee Brensinger Architects
The Town of Swampscott (the “District”), the Owner’s Project Manager, and design team presented an update of the District’s preferred solution to replace the existing Hadley Elementary School, Clarke Elementary School, and Stanley Elementary School with a new district-wide grades K-4 facility on the site of the existing Stanley Elementary School. The FAS, MSBA staff, and the District discussed: site circulation; handicap access to the building; maintenance of proposed traffic and pedestrian access; consideration to extend the main entry canopy; the local fire department’s review for building access; the proposed project timeline; and, the District’s response to community correspondence.
MSBA staff is currently working with the District to reach a mutually agreeable solution to recommend to the MSBA’s Board of Directors.