The following district presented on the progress of their proposed project at the May 14, 2024 Massachusetts School Building Authority (the “MSBA”) Facilities Assessment Subcommittee (the “FAS”) Meeting:
Town of Dedham
Oakdale Elementary School
Phase: Feasibility Study
Owner’s Project Manager: The Vertex Companies, LLC
Designer: Jonathan Levi Architects
The Town of Dedham (the “District”), the Owner’s Project Manager, and design team presented an overview of the options studied during the Feasibility Study and the District’s preferred solution to proceed into Schematic Design to replace the existing Oakdale Elementary School with a new facility serving grades 1 – 5 on the site of the existing school. MSBA staff has reviewed the Feasibility Study and accepts the District’s Preferred Schematic. The FAS, MSBA staff, and the District discussed the following: appreciation of the updates to the Educational Program; location of special education spaces and the DESE review process; the importance of resource allocation for professional development; use and location of the proposed gymnatorium; considerations associated with transporting materials and instruments from the art, music, and maker spaces on the second floor to the gymnatorium for performances; student collaboration and envisioned use of the proposed cohort commons; opportunities to develop indoor/outdoor connections and include an outdoor classroom as the design progresses; appreciation of the District’s Physical Education program; importance of the continued input from educators as the design develops; further development of the proposed site plan including demolition of the existing 1902 facility; inclusion of smaller scale design elements such as bay windows for young learners; sheltered access to the building for individuals with limited mobility; coordination with local officials as it relates to site circulation and emergency access; importance of planning for long-term maintenance including staffing, selection of systems, and building materials; community outreach and engagement; and building geometry and considerations associated with construction costs and opportunities to further understand potential cost drivers.