Project Advisory 77, September 2022
Value Engineering Summary Tracking Worksheet
The MSBA has developed a Value Engineering Summary Tracking Worksheet (“Worksheet”) for Core Program projects in order to standardize Value Engineering reporting to the MSBA. The Owner’s Project Manager (“OPM”) will complete and incorporate the Worksheet for each submittal during the Detailed Design phase (Design Development, 60% Construction Document, and 90% Construction Document). The OPM will also submit the Worksheet following the bid process when submitting the Schedule of Values, and associated documents.
The Worksheet will help MSBA to receive Value Engineering information in a consistent format across all projects. The review comment templates in Module 6 – Detailed Design have been/will be updated to identify the inclusion of the Worksheet in each submittal.
Value Engineering Summary Tracking Sheet
Instructions for the Value Engineering Summary Tracking Worksheet are as follows:
- After downloading, please rename the file to include the District and Project Name.
- The template data in red is for example purposes only. Please enter project specific information in row 4 below the example
- The cells highlighted in pink contain formulas, don't overwrite.
- Include the Worksheet as part of each Detailed Design submittal and as a separate Excel file.
- Please contact the MSBA Project Coordinator with any questions.