MSBA Board Moves Angier Elementary School in Newton into Schematic Design Phase

The Board of Directors of the Massachusetts School Building Authority (“MSBA”) and Jack McCarthy, MSBA Executive Director,  announced today that they have voted to move the A. E. Angier Elementary School to the next phase in the MSBA capital pipeline. The Schematic Design phase will look at possible options for the replacement of the school with a new facility on the site of the current school building. The next step is for the MSBA to work in collaboration with the District to produce detailed designs for a potential school project.

“It has been a pleasure collaborating with Newton officials throughout this process,” Executive Director McCarthy said. “Now, production and approval of a schematic design will help to determine the final budget for the potential project.”

The proposed project would replace the existing school with a new 75,000 square-foot facility serving 465 students in kindergarten through grade 5. Angier Elementary School was built in 1919 and suffers from deficiencies in mechanical, plumbing, and electrical systems.

The MSBA partners with Massachusetts communities to support the design and construction of educationally-appropriate, flexible, sustainable, and cost-effective public school facilities. Since its 2004 inception, the Authority has made over $9.6 billion in reimbursements for school capital improvement projects. MSBA reimbursements have saved districts over $2.9 billion in avoided local interest costs and have provided much needed cash flow to communities.