The following Districts presented on the progress of their proposed projects at the September 11, 2013 Massachusetts School Building Authority (the “MSBA”) Facilities Assessment Subcommittee (“FAS”) Meeting:
Town of Milford
Woodland Elementary School
Current Phase: Feasibility Study
Owner’s Project Manager: Joslin, Lesser + Associates, Inc.
Designer: HMFH Architects, Inc.
The District, the Owner’s Project Manager, and design team presented an overview of the educational program, the site, options studied during the Feasibility Study, and the District’s preferred solution of a new Woodland Elementary School. The FAS and MSBA staff raised concerns about the following items: 1) space for circulation in hallways, staircases, and at the main entrance; 2) the distance of handicapped parking and drop-off zones from the building entrances; 3) site circulation; and 4) configuration of the book storage rooms. Additionally, the following items were discussed between the FAS, MSBA staff, and the District during the meeting: 1) the proposed layout and the importance of creating smaller "neighborhoods" within the facility; 2) consideration of putting sinks in the classrooms; and 3) exploring the opportunity for more natural light in interior spaces.
MSBA staff is currently working with the District to reach a mutually agreeable solution to recommend to the MSBA’s Board of Directors.
City of Boston
Josiah Quincy Upper School
Current Phase: Feasibility Study
Owner’s Project Manager: Maureen Anderson, City Employee, City of Boston
Designer: HMFH Architects, Inc.
The City, the Owner’s Project Manager, and design team presented an overview of the educational program, the site, the options studied during the Feasibility Study, and the City’s preferred solution to replace the existing Josiah Quincy Upper School and the Boston Arts Academy with a new facility that houses students in grades 6-12 from both schools. The FAS noted previous discussions regarding the Josiah Quincy Upper School and inquired about the following regarding the Boston Arts Academy: 1) the proposed enrollment for the Boston Arts Academy; 2) the proposed grade configuration and impact on access for students across the City; 3) consideration of pairing non-traditional studies; 4) commitment to working with other middle schools on an arts curriculum; and 5) options for students who aren’t accepted into the 9th grade program.
The FAS and MSBA staff also inquired about the co-location of the two schools asking the District to consider the following: 1) flexible design of the visual arts and science spaces; 2) design for the delivery, storage, handling, and disposal of chemicals associated with the science and art curriculum; 3) site acquisition and schedule; and 4) mechanical system options and locations.