Project Advisory 19, March 2013

Project Advisory 19: Updated Schematic Design - Module 4 and project readiness

Please be advised that the MSBA has posted an updated version of Module 4 - Schematic Design Guidelines, which includes modified guidance regarding value engineering, Total Project Budgets, and project readiness for consideration by the MSBA Board of Directors.  Additional information and the updated material can be found under Schematic Design – Module 4.  The Schematic Design Submittal is the basis of the MSBA facilities grant and therefore, it must be of sufficient detail to clearly define and document the scope, budget, and schedule of the proposed project for consideration and approval by both the MSBA Board of Directors and the local community.

The Total Project Budget must reflect the Schematic Design that is presented to the MSBA and the local community. All value engineering related evaluations must be complete, final determinations must be made, and the results must be incorporated into all of the Schematic Design Submittal documentation prior to submitting Schematic Design Submittal to the MSBA.  The MSBA will not accept Schematic Design Submittals for which the estimated project costs exceed the District’s project budget or Total Project Budget updates that do not reflect the scope and schedule represented in the Schematic Design Submittal documentation.